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An Amazing Five Months So Far

An Amazing Five Months So Far

Hello Readers,

As this will be my final blog before I go home, I’m going to take the opportunity to look back on an amazing five months and reflect on my time in Ange so far this year.

At the start of any season, you never know what to expect in terms of which new players will come in, how they’ll fit into the team and so on. However, I can honestly say that the new additions this season have been a breath of fresh air and have stamped their own individual personalities on the team. It was always going to be a challenge with so many new players coming in but we’ve managed to come together, create a wonderful atmosphere and build a winning mentality. Though we have had a great season on the pitch so far, I also have some great memories outside of football that will stay with me for years to come.

One of the highlights of the year so far for me, bearing in mind I hate the cold, was experiencing snowboarding and snowmobiling. Snowboarding is something I’ve always wanted to try since I was younger, but had never previously had the chance to do. One thing that sticks in my mind was how easy some of the young children made snowboarding look. I remember approaching the ski lift with understandable apprehension when a girl, who couldn’t have been older than twelve, came whizzing down the slope without a care in the world and I was in awe. My first thought was, this could be very embarrassing, but lucky enough I got the hang of it pretty quickly and started to relax more as the day went on. I only went snowboarding once before the snow melted but hopefully if I’m still in Sweden next winter I can go again and maybe even try skiing as well.

Barbeque at Nolbykullen

Another memory that stands out is the day I spent with friends having a barbeque at Nolbykullen. Nolbykullen Mountain is a secluded location which towers over Sundsvall and has spectacular views of the bay. The weather that day was perfect, everything seemed to go according to plan, and it really was one of those days that you wished could last forever. It was somewhere one of our friends used to go when she was younger and it seems like a hidden gem that only a few lucky people will get to see.

I’m sad that we’ve reached the half way stage of our season because time does indeed fly when you’re having fun, but I’m excited to go home and spend time with my family. Hopefully when I come back on 11 July we can create new memories and continue in the rich veins of form we are in now.


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