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Terrible Tuesday!

Tuesday was definitely different for me. We worked on our team shape and I got the opportunity to show off my outfield skills. I was put up against Mike Aspin as he was at left-back and I was right midfield. I think it’s safe to say that I should stick to playing in goal! I had one opportunity to cross the ball and I just fell over while trying to cross it much to the amusement of my team-mates who found it hysterical and were quick to remind me that I was better suited to my role between the sticks! I was quite embarrassed really as Mike had fun skinning me every time he got the ball. Back to my normal role in the afternoon with a bit of finishing in the pouring rain. Horrible conditions for goalkeeping but great for sliding around in! I was like a walking mud ball after the session. After a very long shower and some jobs it was back to the digs for a well deserved rest.

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