Started off the day quite apprehensive about what kind of reaction we were going to get from Aidy our coach after our less than impressive performance on Saturday. Aidy called a meeting in the changing room earlier this morning where he went through where he felt we could have done better in certain situations and just his general view of the game. It’s never nice to get a bit of a rollicking but to be fair we deserved it! We were well below par on Saturday!
After the meeting the lads were all up for putting the weekend behind us and we started brightly in training. Mark O’Connor (a first team coach) along with 6 pro’s joined in training this morning. We started off with a game of possession, but with various pairs of mannequins used for goals, with the emphasis on passing the ball through in order to score. After this we went into a game which consisted of three goals the wrong way around (yes! the wrong way round!) where it was the first team to 10 goals who won, we had the best of 3 games with a forfeit of collecting the kit in after the session for the losing team. My team lost, controversially, in the 3rd game 10-9!! Later on in the afternoon we went up to the classroom with Aidy where we analysed previous games on DVD’s and went through where he felt that we could have been better for future reference. Training has definitely started a lot sharper this week and hopefully this will continue throughout the whole week and into the game on this upcoming Saturday when we face Man Utd!