SkillsActive has confirmed the appointment of Stephen Studd, its Chief Executive, in the new position of Group Chief Executive.
Elaine Clowes, chair of the SkillsActive Board, says:
“Stephen has provided the drive and leadership for SkillsActive since it was established by employers in 2003. He has built a strong team and SkillsActive is now a top performing Sector Skills Council and a growing force in the industry. Stephen will lead the organisation into a new era.”
The Government announcement that the go-ahead has been given for the development of the National Skills Academy for Sport and Active Leisure, as a subsidiary charity of SkillsActive, has heralded the creation of a new group structure for SkillsActive.
Clowes continues:
“The board has asked Stephen to lead a review and restructuring of SkillsActive as for our re-licensing from government by the end of 2008. We have opportunity to improve our service support to the industry and to profile with government.”