LFE’S initial assessment and induction process has once again received a glowing endorsement from Apprentices, Clubs and Education Providers.
In the recently published Initial Assessment and Induction Feedback Evaluation Report, Apprentices, Clubs and Education Providers graded LFE’s performance across a four point scale (1-Outstanding, 2-Good, 3-Satisfactory, 4-Inadequate) and LFE has once again received excellent feedback.
Over 90% of Apprentice respondents rated initial assessment and induction as ‘good or better’, while Club staff went one step further, with over 50% viewing LFE’s arrangements in these areas as ‘outstanding’.
Education Providers were equally fulsome in their praise of LFE’s work in this area with 91% of respondents rating the quality of the Apprentices’ initial assessment as ‘good or better’ and 47% of that group indicating that they considered it to fit within the ‘outstanding’ Category.
Comments from Club staff included:
“I think the assessment/induction process for new scholars provided by LFE is fantastic.”
“Due to staffing changes and late recruitment I think that we did extremely well under the circumstances but it would have been a very different story without LFE’s support and raft of resources which really helped us through.”
LFE would like to thank all stakeholders for their continued support through our online questionnaires.