We set of at 8am and arrived in West Virginia at 1.30pm. It took about 5 hours to get here and we stopped at 11 to eat for half an hour. It was one hell of a journey that took us through the mountains the whole way there, so there were some nice views. When we arrived we were playing Charleston University and the final score was 9-2! We were 2-0 down after 4 minutes but then we woke up at the back and played amazing from then on, going in at half time 5-2 up.
After the game we ate and travelled back arriving home at 12am. The journey was that long that we watched 3 movies on the way there and 2 on the way back. That’s the only problem playing these teams, the closest away game to us this season is 2 hours away, when I was at Chesterfield that was the furthest away game!